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What is a valve?

The valves in an engine have several functions. First, they must allow the intake of fuel and air. Then they must seal the engine. As engine combustion takes place, the exhaust valve must also allow the burned gases to leave the combustion chamber.

A sealing valve seats is absolutely critical if you wish your engine to perform as intended. Poorly seated valves are caused by, bent valves, worn valve guides, loose valve seats, incorrect valve clearances, warped cylinder heads, corrosion/erosion. These faults can be rectified by changing the faulty component but in all circumstances the valve seats will require re-cutting.

What is a valve grind?

It is the process of smoothing out the engine valves so that they are effectively able to seal in the valve seat in the cylinder head to completely seal the engine’s combustion chamber.

At our modern workshop, each valve seat will be re machined using our Valve seat machine. The unique centering system ensures each seat is perfectly concentric resulting in perfect sealing of them. Each valve seat is cut with a minimum of three angles for improved flow. Finally, our quality precise machining insure the best performance and reliability of your valves with its vacuum tester.

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